Posts Categorized: User Stories

Applian User Experience: Captivating Audiences at a Local Movie Theater

When you’re expecting a live audience who are searching for great quality and an experience from your service to be in top shape, the eyes and pressure are on, and your business’ reputation at stake.

This scenario used to plague one of our customers who runs two free, independent community movie theaters – one in an old Church and the other as a drive-in – for the past 17 years. When viewing large video files in places outside your usual home or office building environment, for example, a connection can be unstable. The owner found difficulties when trying to obtain the trailers for her upcoming films being shown at the theaters.

Lucky for her, she found a very simple solution using software in our own Replay Capture Suite

Replay Media Catcher and Replay Video Capture [in the Replay Capture Suite] are indispensable tools to what I do. We license individual films or sometimes show films through a general license on a 25’ widescreen indoors, and 40’ wide screen outdoors. It’s expensive, but it’s fun for families. Sometimes the company or producer just doesn’t give me a trailer.”

So, what is a small independent theater owner to do? Use powerful tools available in order to record media online and get exactly what’s needed.

“I capture the trailers off the internet unblemished and I easily convert them (with Replay Converter, of course). These can be stored on a USB and used to play as a trailer for upcoming features. It’s all clean, high-quality and completely legal.”

For use outside of a WiFi connection or where there is a rick of slow connection, Replay Media Catcher is ideal; any video saved is guaranteed to be high-quality for any purpose, viewer or situation. When our customers use the software, they’re happy that they will completely eliminate any prior media player necessary, making any portable video process lighter and more efficient.

“Until the Replay Capture Suite was available, I often had to either find a trailer on a secondary DVD or Blu-Ray player, and queue it up and cable switch for the trailer, or play the YouTube or Vimeo live…. If the network was working, fast, and the drop down ads didn’t ruin it for the audience. Now everything is nice, clean and easy!”

How Does It Work?

Offering a variety of media options to download, the software in the Replay Capture Suite allows you to either copy and paste media into the software or directly record from the link you’re watching. It’s incredibly easy to use, supporting over 130 devices and file formats and it’s still super powerful.

We’re glad to see another satisfied customer: “Now everything is nice, clean and easy! Thanks, Applian!”

Visit them at

Why not try it out for yourself – just download a short video to take on your next trip to see just how simple it is.


Try the Suite for PC    Try the Suite for Mac


Take a look at the rest of our awesome user stories on our blog. Any questions? Reach out anytime.

Applian User Experience: Recording the Best Online Radio Shows

Listening to online radio is quickly becoming a favorite pastime in the United States. Long gone are the days of being glued to your car radio or boombox, we’re in a time of anytime access and TONS of incredible shows to enjoy. According to data from Statista, 65.85 million Americans used online streaming services monthly in 2017 – on average tuning in for close to 15 hours every week! Forecasts from the same source also suggest that 55.8 percent of the entire U.S. population, and as much as 68.4 percent of the U.S. internet users overall, will have become frequent or consistent online radio users by the end of this year, 2018.

There are thousands of online radio shows and live streams that you can listen to any time; but for the vast majority of listeners, it’s all about being able to tune in to their absolute favorites anytime, anywhere. For one of our own customers, radio just so happens to be one of his favorite mediums of entertainment.

“I’ve been recording form the radio since long before I ever heard of Replay Radio. I used to have a dual cassette tape recorder (remember those?) that I hooked up to a timer and to the audio out of my “stereo” (and who remembers those?) so I could get up to 180 minutes at a pop of my favorite radio shows while I was at work (90 minutes on each cassette).”

With such a long-standing connection to the radio, the shift into more digital formats was an adjustment for our user. He recalls to us how that evolution played out:

“Of course, it was a HUGE pain to reset the timer all the time to pick up what I wanted on different days, keep the hardware hooked up, etc. Over the years I wore out four Sony Walkmans listening to these cassettes. But the truth was, and still is, that the only way I could stand to exercise, do the dishes, or do any mindless stuff around the house, was if I could listen to what I wanted to listen to (and do it when I wanted to hear it).

Fast forward to the internet age. Once my favorite stations started streaming I figured there had to be a way to capture those streams. Like all things computer, I soon discovered that there were in fact a number of ways to do it, but it seemed that all were ridiculously complicated, none could be scheduled to record at a certain time or were truly reliable.”

After doing a quick online search for something that could help record his radio shows, our user discovered Replay Radio and was hooked! Using our powerful Replay Radio software, he is able to queue up all of his top live streams to record automatically, never missing a moment. With high-quality recordings of radio shows, he’s able to listen on any device, any time he chooses!

“What do I record every week? My tastes run to jazz, the American Songbook, and Broadway: Singers Unlimited, Radio Deluxe with jazz guitarist John Pizzarelli and his wife, Broadway singer Jessica Mollasky, Johnath Schartz (WNYC), Swing Party (WBGO), Big Band Jazz (WRTI), Voices in Jazz (WRTI), and more. That’s so much music that I can’t find time to listen to all of it!”

How Does Replay Radio Work?

Replay Radio is the ultimate easy-to-use radio recorder. Just pick a show or station from the built-in guide, and Replay Radio schedules and automatically records the show for you. Then listen on-demand from your smartphone, tablet or PC! Just find your favorite shows using our Media Guide packed with thousands of popular shows and stations, click a button, and Replay Radio instantly adds the selected radio station, show times, and days to your schedule.

More about our online radio recorder, Replay Radio:

  • Record thousands of radio shows and stations online
  • Schedule recordings of any of your preferred shows and stations – even multiple at once!
  • Auto-sync radio recordings to your iOS smartphone or tablet.
  • Easily convert recorded files to any format needed.

Want to try Replay Radio for yourself? Click the big button below to download the program for Windows.


Try Replay Radio Now


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Applian User Experience: Saving Lives with Paramedic Training Videos

For on-staff and volunteer firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, and other emergency services, knowing exactly what to do in the most efficient manner possible is always the most important consideration. When training newcomers on the best practices for first response, visual techniques can be the best way to really show, explain, and drive real lessons home – a loyal Applian customer knows this all too well, and uses the software to piece together the most comprehensive training videos possible.

Gary has been designing firefighting and paramedic training videos for over a decade now, and has always been in search of new and interesting video and audio inserts for these videos.

“I came across Applian back then, when getting videos off of YouTube was next to impossible to do – but, when I tried the trial version program, it worked!

I now use the Replay Capture Suite to gather great videos and audio clips from all over the world. When permission is granted from gathered departments to use their materials, I put their department’s name in my credits, and there is a sense of pride when I send a copy of that training video to them and they see themselves, their department, and their full credit at the end of the videos.”

Using the Replay Media Catcher software from our Replay Capture Suite (among other tools), Gary and everyone he distributes these training videos to can benefit from the variety of information that’s pieced together. And, for every paramedic and firefighter that watches these training videos, another life could be changed or even saved!

“Thanks Applian for bringing together a service to help train emergency services personnel worldwide.”

How Does the Replay Capture Suite Work?

Software in the Replay Capture Suite provides you with all of the digital tools you need to capture, edit, convert, split, join, and save online media – including audio and video files.

The Replay Capture Suite is especially well suited for recording from major online sources. It also…

  • Saves any online video at any available quality.
  • Records audio from ANY source as it plays.
  • Converts recorded files to a format of your choice.
  • Saves streaming video, radio shows, music, and more.
  • Edits audio and video files easily.
  • Encrypts personal video files on your computer.


Try Replay Capture Suite Today


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Applian User Experience: Building a Successful Video FAQ

Before video capture was even considered, business owners got by with FAQs as a method of providing information for the ease of consumers. But there was always something that could be improved – people see an email address and would prefer to have an answer from the providers themselves. This was the case for Eric Ilasenko, owner of our powerful Replay Video Capture tool.

A professional photographer, Eric came across one problem repeatedly:

“As a professional photographer selling studio portraits of adorable little dancers online, I was spending way too much time having to answer the same questions by phone and in emails from parents who just could not seem to understand how to use the online proofing service that hosts and sells our images. I’m talking an hour or more a day spent answering calls or emails – despite having a FAQ on our site that described everything in detail.”

Then there came the solution – Eric decided to use our Replay Video Capture to record a full-screen demo, displaying a step-by-step instruction process for his audience. This video was then posted to the FAQ page as a contribution to the text.

Replay Video Capture is the best way to make a production quality video recordings from hard-to-record sources. It’s widely used to record online video content or to convert movies to high quality. For Eric, it’s been perfect for utilizing Keynote and multimedia presentations as it’s easy to use with the fully automated screen.

After the video went live on his photography site, Eric said:

“There was about a 75% drop in emails/calls, which left me, an overworked sole proprietor, more time to do the important stuff I need to be doing to help grow my business!”

How Does Replay Video Capture Work?

Replay Video Capture can expertly record streaming online video (and any other video playing on your screen) with perfect quality. If you can watch it, you can save it! Record video from ANY web site regardless of format.

Replay Video Capture is especially well suited for recording:

  • Movies and streaming videos
  • Webinars and online video conferences
  • Skype and Google Hangouts
  • Presentations and documents

After recording, you can save as just about any file format and access anytime, anywhere! As Eric says:

Love my Applian Capture Suite software big time :-)”

Want to try Replay Video Capture for yourself? Click the big buttons below to download the program for Windows or Mac.

Get RVC for Windows     Get RVC for Mac


Questions? Ask away!


This article was originally published on August 17, 2017, and is as important and relevant as ever. 

Applian User Experience: Going Off-Grid with Your Favorite Movies

When you’re out in the middle of nowhere for an extended period of time, chances are you’ll want access to your favorite movies, music, and more in order to help pass the time every once in a while. Going off-grid entirely runs the risk of no Internet, and in many cases, no wireless service, either. For one of our own customers who frequently enjoys running off into the woods, being able to stockpile and save all the media he wants before leaving the city is a lifesaver.

Matthew spends his summers enjoying an almost completely off-grid cabin in order to get away from it all and soak in nature. While this is an incredible annual experience, there are always some times where having a great movie or album to listen to can help entertain for an evening.

“Spending my summer in an off-grid cabin with metered wireless internet, I cannot be a regular consumer of streaming media; instead, I “stock up” when I go into town and have accessed to “unlimited”/unmetered internet.

Far too many information providers provide streaming-only content (be it audio or video), which would otherwise preclude me from effectively utilizing (especially at times more convenient to me), despite even being a paid subscriber to said content. Reply Media Catcher solves this problem most effectively for me, enabling an off-line storage of important media so I can consume at my leisure, instead of having less constructive “binge-fests” when around capable internet connections.”

Using our powerful Replay Media Catcher software, Matthew has been effectively able to save all of the media he could possibly want, enabling himself to have full access to his favorites without the use of any wireless internet or data plan. For media-consumers like Matthew, our program for downloading media offline is the perfect way to save show episodes, feature films, podcasts, videos, and even music from popular sites and services, so they can enjoy anytime. As Matthew puts it:

“It has really made a huge difference in facilitating my disconnected lifestyle this summer!”

How Does Replay Media Catcher Work?

Replay Media Catcher can expertly record streaming online video and audio with perfect quality. It’s an easy, yet powerful way to capture video and audio files from thousands of websites as they play in any web browser.

Replay Media Catcher is especially well suited for recording from major online sources. It even…

  • Saves any online video at any available quality.
  • Records audio from ANY source as it plays.
  • Automatically converts recorded files to a format of your choice.
  • Lets you schedule recordings from any playable URL at a time you choose.
  • Has embedded video, music and radio guides to help you find interesting media.
  • Uses a Music Fingerprinting technology to automatically identify and tag recorded music MP3 files.

Want to try Replay Media Catcher for yourself? Click the big buttons below to download the program for Windows or Mac.

Get Replay Media Catcher for Mac                Get Replay Media Catcher for PC

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Applian User Experience: Saving Online Classes & Webinars

Whether in an academic or professional setting, continued education is a lifelong commitment. While businesses and marketers have their focus on video content, the eyes of many key industries of the world have taken notice as well; in particular, that of financial trading. For one of our own customers working as a professional financial Futures Trader, keeping up with the industry and its many represented markets was not only important to her career, it was imperative.

Janene Ayer understood that, in her field of work, staying up-to-date on the latest market trends meant referencing the past historical data, as well.

“The market repeats itself all of the time. The setups that happen repeat themselves. You can watch for them and make a lot of money and also if you do not know what to look for you can lose a lot of money. So when I can go back and review what has happened in the past it makes my chances of catching these moves a lot better. I use Applian software mainly to capture webinars and classes that I want to review and to keep on file.”

With our Replay Video Capture software, Janene has been able to record high-quality videos of every historical trading video in existence online. Replay Video Capture is the best way to make a video recording from any online site, including hard-to-record sources. For professionals in complicated, constantly shifting industries like Janene, it’s been an incredible asset for capturing and saving the kinds of videos that can make her career truly flourish.

“Thank you so much for making this software available to us!”

How Does Replay Video Capture Work?

Replay Video Capture can expertly record streaming online video (and any other video playing on your screen) with perfect quality. If you can watch it, you can save it! Record video from ANY web site regardless of format.

Replay Video Capture is especially well suited for recording:

  • Movies and streaming videos
  • Webinars and online video classes
  • Online conferences
  • Skype and Google Hangouts
  • Presentations and documents


Want to try Replay Video Capture for yourself? Click the big buttons below to download the program for Windows or Mac.


Get RVC for Windows     Get RVC for Mac


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Applian User Experience: Tools for Professional Education

It’s never an easy ride when you try to connect to the internet when traveling. The connection across all transport modes are never as you hope them to be. It’s easy frustration and a time-wasting technique searching for solutions, or preparing for the journey and sourcing your favorite programs to download that will be reliable. We heard from one of our own users who solved this problem for her client using the power of Applian products:

“I am a virtual executive assistant and work for a client who loves to watch educational seminars while traveling. The internet service on a plane is not very good, so this can be problematic. I use Replay Media Catcher to record seminars for him and then I upload them to a cloud server.”

Replay Media Catcher allows you to quickly play whatever you want to save in a high-quality format — it’s the easiest solution to recording anything you find. If you can watch it, you can save it! For Dianne, her client is satisfied with the quality and availability, and she’s happy with the simplicity and ease of recording.

“Since the seminars come from many different sources, it is really nice to have one app that I can use for recording them all for viewing at his convenience.”

Replay Media Catcher is the best way to make production quality video recordings from hard-to-record sources. It’s widely used to record online video content or to convert movies to high-quality files.

How Does Replay Media Catcher Work?

Replay Media Catcher powerful way to capture video and audio files from thousands of websites, so you can save important files offline to enjoy anywhere. Record from ANY source as it plays from your Windows or Mac computer, automatically convert to the file format of your choosing, and watch and re-watch as many times as you want. Anything you download is yours to keep!

With Replay Media Catcher, you can also…

  • Schedule recordings from any playable URL at a time you choose.
  • Embed video, music and radio guides to help you find interesting media.
  • Automatically identify and tag recorded music MP3 files.

Take a look at our tutorial video for more helpful info:

After using Replay Media Catcher, Dianne shared her gratitude:

“My client loves making those plane flights productive, and is very happy with the quality available.”

Want to try it yourself? Click the button below to your suited device.


Get Replay Media Catcher for Windows      Get Replay Media Catcher for Mac


Take a look at the rest of our awesome user stories on our blog. Any questions? Reach out anytime