Posts Tagged: giveaway

World Cup Giveaway: Conclusion

Thanks for playing

Well, here it is. The end. While the World Cup ended on Sunday, and Germany inevitably won the prestigious solid gold trophy, we posed our final question, and Peter put it succinctly in-line with his favorite team:

 If you won the World Cup where would you put the trophy? A Window in the Red Light District (I’m a fan of the Dutch).”

So congratulations to our final winner! We had so much fun reading your answers to these questions and happily giving away Replay Capture Suites and official FIFA jerseys. Don’t wait another four years, come back soon to read all of the fun news, informative tutorials, and other contests we have throughout the year. Oh, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter too if you’ve got something to say. We’d love to hear it.

World Cup Giveaway: Week 4

Enter to Win

While we’re all still recovering from the Team USA loss, there’s still quite a bit of exciting matches to come! We checked out our entires from last week’s contest and there were some innnnteresting entries. With that being said, we laughed out loud to Mr. Richard T:

If you got a yellow card, what would it be for? Not speaking to my girlfriend through the duration of the World Cup.

We’re pretty sure that would get you a RED card, Richard! Maybe he should give his free Replay Capture Suite AND jersey to her.

Want one yourself? Take a stab at this week’s question to win our Suite of products as well as an official FIFA World Cup jersey.

Question This Week:

Who has been your favorite player thus far and why?

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    Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!


    Enter to win

    We were so engrossed in World cup excitement yesterday, we totally forgot to post our next round of giveaways! But not to fear — we’ve chosen a winner from last week, Carlos P, for his pooch preparedness and his love of Argentina. Here’s how he answered last week’s question:

    What’s your World Cup 2014 ritual? Prepare my dog (his name is Bruno Aurelio) with his shirt of Argentina to watch matches of our team!!! GO ARGENTINA!!!

    Now Carlos gets a matching jersey from FIFA and a full Replay Capture Suite to record and download all the matches so he and Bruno can watch them anytime! Congratulations Carlos! Be sure to send us a photo of you and Bruno sporting your Argentina pride.

    YOU could answer the question below to win! This week, we want to hear about your naughty side. No — not like that. On the pitch! With so many “entertaining” penalties in the last few games (ahem, biting), tell us what your creative offense would be…

    Question This Week:

    If you got a yellow card, what would it be for?

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      Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!


      Enter to Win!

      We’re in the thick of it! All week we’ve been discussing our favorite moments, exciting plays, and of course, who we’re rooting for. In the meantime, it’s been awesome to see all the entries from last week’s contest. After much deliberation, we picked Billy B, who answered our Mad Lib:

      I am so excited for World Cup 2014 that I entered this contest so I could give my best friend the opportunity to record the World Cup event.

      Good job, Billy! See, nice guys win too. We hope that your friend loves their Replay Capture Suite AND we’ll be touch with you about that jersey.

      Want one too? You’re in luck. Each week until the World Cup ends, we’ve got a giveaway opportunity! Answer our question this week below and be entered to win our awesome Suite of products and a FIFA World Cup jersey of your choice!

      Question This Week:

      What’s your 2014 World Cup ritual?

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        Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!

        WORLD CUP GIVEAWAY: Week 1

        Enter to win

        IT STARTS TODAY! Are you excited? We certainly are! Any month-long tournament that pits the best athletes of multiple countries against each other in “the most beautiful game” is always going to be an event. In honor of this rare (okay, every four years) occurrence, we’ve decided to launch a weekly fun giveaway.

        What do you have to do to enter? Glad you asked. Basically, nothing! Each week we will pose a fun and interesting question, simply send your answer along with your name and valid email address and – BOOM! You’re entered to win.

        What will you win? Aside from our amazing Suite of products valued at $125, which you can keep for yourself or fellow soccer fan if you already own a copy, we are also going to award you a high-quality official FIFA jersey (of the team of your choice), valued at $90 a pop!

        This week, our inaugural question is in the form of a Mad Lib (225 characters max). Answer away!

        Question This Week:

        I am so excited about World Cup 2014 that I ______________.

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          Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!