Did you try to place an order on our website last week that didn’t go through? Don’t worry — it’s not you, it’s us!

We experienced a temporary server issue that impacted our ordering process from approximately 9:00 AM PT Thursday (8/10) to 12:30 PM PT on Friday (8/11).
So sorry for the inconvenience! Those responsible for the outage are now in a time-out.
Everything is all fixed up and back to normal, so if you take another crack at ordering now your payment method is sure to go through. Please note: any orders placed during this time frame have NOT been charged!
Go here to upgrade your software: http://applian.com/upgrade
Go here to make a purchase for Mac: http://applian.com/mac/order/
And here to make a purchase for Windows: https://applian.com/order/
Any questions? Comments? We’re here for you.