Posts Tagged: replay music recorder

How Replay Music, Our Audio Recorder for Music, helped me Discover a New Band

Recently I saw a fun commercial about the NFL draft (don’t ask me why I was watching a commercial on the NFL draft – my husband must have left ESPN on). It was this Deion Sanders Super Bowl Commercial.

I love the song they used!

Leon Sandcastle Commercial

I immediately wanted to hear more of the song they used in the commercial. A little bit of digging and I found the song, “This Head I Hold” by Electric Guest. Once I knew the song title, I opened Replay Music and went to Grooveshark and captured the song and other songs from Electric Guest. I also used Replay Music to get the song on my phone and I have been listening to it ever since. I am now an Electric Guest fan. And being the good fan that I am I also went to iTunes and supported the band by buying the song. All this thanks to Replay Music.

What bands have you discovered recently?