IT STARTS TODAY! Are you excited? We certainly are! Any month-long tournament that pits the best athletes of multiple countries against each other in “the most beautiful game” is always going to be an event. In honor of this rare (okay, every four years) occurrence, we’ve decided to launch a weekly fun giveaway.
What do you have to do to enter? Glad you asked. Basically, nothing! Each week we will pose a fun and interesting question, simply send your answer along with your name and valid email address and – BOOM! You’re entered to win.
What will you win? Aside from our amazing Suite of products valued at $125, which you can keep for yourself or fellow soccer fan if you already own a copy, we are also going to award you a high-quality official FIFA jersey (of the team of your choice), valued at $90 a pop!
This week, our inaugural question is in the form of a Mad Lib (225 characters max). Answer away!
Question This Week:
I am so excited about World Cup 2014 that I ______________.
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Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!