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Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction – Vol. 3

Dr. Wilson's Possibly humorous Distraction

Today, we are doing SCIENCE! Did a parent ever warn you not to stick a soda in the freezer? Sure, that may have been a rhetorical question, but what about sticking a can of soda in liquid nitrogen? NurdRage on YouTube does all kinds of science experiments … and you should probably let him do them instead of trying yourself.

Oh, and if you are having trouble downloading YouTube videos with Replay Media Catcher 5, make sure that secure http (https) is not being used. See here for more information.

Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction – Vol 1

Dr. Wilson's Possibly humorous Distraction

Our superstar UX lead here at Applian, Dr. Jeffrey Wilson, PhD, spends a lot of time analyzing debug logs from customers. He likes to give customers a quick 2 minute video to test record so that he can keep the logs small. So he frequently searches out these short video clips which end up playing a vital role in the data logging procedure. Needless to say, he sees quite a few videos (and other types of media), so now we’ve given him an opportunity twice a month to share in his…. umm… work habits.

To get the ball rolling, here is his first video suggestion. Movies, especially science fiction movies, tend to have plenty of logical inconsistencies. The YouTube channel, How It Should Have Ended, gives their take on alternate endings for MANY movies. So, without further ado, sit back and enjoy a new look at a classic.

We hope you enjoyed this first installment of Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction. See what we did there with the title? Dr. Wilson PhD. Get it?

ABC, NBC and CBS go without DRM

We just discovered that, and are no longer using a video encryption system to stream their videos. Apparently they have become smart to the fact that getting more distribution of their shows (with the ads included) makes more business sense.

This also means that Replay Media Catcher can capture episodes from these sites. So if you want to make a recording from these network shows, you can do so with Media Catcher.

See for yourself – give downloading videos from CBS, NBC or ABC a try!