Our superstar UX lead here at Applian, Dr. Jeffrey Wilson, PhD, spends a lot of time analyzing debug logs from customers. He likes to give customers a quick 2 minute video to test record so that he can keep the logs small. So he frequently searches out these short video clips which end up playing a vital role in the data logging procedure. Needless to say, he sees quite a few videos (and other types of media), so now we’ve given him an opportunity twice a month to share in his…. umm… work habits.
To get the ball rolling, here is his first video suggestion. Movies, especially science fiction movies, tend to have plenty of logical inconsistencies. The YouTube channel, How It Should Have Ended, gives their take on alternate endings for MANY movies. So, without further ado, sit back and enjoy a new look at a classic.
We hope you enjoyed this first installment of Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction. See what we did there with the title? Dr. Wilson PhD. Get it?