Mashup videos are one of the truly brilliant, shining gems that YouTube — and the Internet as a whole — has to offer. With mashups, you can mix and match the best prank clips for the ultimate funny video, piece together music videos for a perfect playlist, create a seamless workout video or the ideal dance compilation, and really add a piece of audio to any kind of video you can imagine.
Want to make your own mashup? It’s not as difficult as you might think. With a creative brain and some helpful tools, you’ll be well on your way to creating and contributing some awesome, totally unique video content for you (and others) to enjoy and share online. Plus, you’ll have developed some seriously useful directorial and cheap filmmaking skills!
Our Favorite Mashups
For inspiration and entertainment purposes, we thought we’d share some of our personal favorites in the video mashup realm today.
A Stranger Things Christmas
Bohemian Rhapsody (Sung by 260 Movies)
Scorsese’s Sesame Street
How to Make a Mashup Video
Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide for creating your very own mashup video:
1. Find Your Content
What kind of mashup do you want to create? Once you have your idea in mind, it’s time to do some searches on YouTube for the perfect set of pre-existing video clips.
2. Download From YouTube
Online video sites are chock full of content, so you can download the videos you need to create your mashup directly from YouTube. You can use Replay Media Catcher to download from Youtube and mix ‘n match all of the best video clips to create your own.
Just play your video along with the software, and it will be downloaded back to your computer even faster than real-time – 10 times quicker than your average playback speed. Plus, with the integrated file converter, you can easily convert your newly-downloaded files to over a hundred different formats.
3. Edit & Join Video Files
Once you have your video clips downloaded back to your computer, it’s time to edit and split the files to segment out the exact pieces you want.
You can use Replay Media Splitter to extract or remove pieces of video files. With an easy-to-follow, visual display and a simple way to include and exclude specific parts of media, you’ll be able to join the pieces to create awesome video mashups in just about any file format!