One of the youngest members of the Applian family is Replay Radio: a tool that lets you record and keep audio content from just about anywhere. But this is the internet we’re talking about, and with Applian, the problem is never ‘how can I record this media?’ it’s ‘how do I choose what media to record?’
Here’s a selection of our favorite, funny podcasts. Capture them all with Replay Radio and finish this summer with a laugh. Listen on!

WTF with Marc Maron
“To me being a comic meant to be autonomous, angry, truthful, and funny,” says Mark Maron, whose WTF podcast isn’t always as laugh out loud funny as it is self-reflective, truthful and angry. Last month, President Obama joined the podcast but Maron’s usual guests are comics. Funniness, a healthy dose of coming of age tales and inside comedy showbiz stories ensue.
Use Replay Radio to capture WTF from its website or iTunes.

How Did This Get Made?
Have you ever seen a movie so bad that it’s amazing? So begins the official show description and premise of the wonderful How Did This Get Made? podcast, which features funny people, making fun of terrible movies. Hosts Paul Scheer, Jason Mantzoukas and June Diane Raphael dive deep on the movies and TV shows we all love to hate.
Use Replay Radio to capture How Did This Get Made from its website, iTunes, Stitcher or Soundcloud.

Judge John Hodgman
Self-declared “famous minor television personality” John Hodgman has been a master of wry, sarcastic criticism for some time. You might remember him from the I’m a Mac ads with Justin Long, or from his contributing role on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show as Resident Deranged Millionaire. In his podcast, Hodgeman asks his audience (or anyone else) to bring him issues that need resolving and then brings his bludgeoning, literalist wit to bear on debates and, ultimately, rulings. You won’t find a more fiercely comedic judge, more tyrannical jury or more hilarious executioner anywhere.
Use Replay Radio to capture Judge John Hodgman from its website or iTunes.

The Bugle
Perhaps America’s favorite contemporary British comic, John Oliver’s bread and butter are pointing out the absurdities of modern American (and other) politics and animal puns. So it’s no surprise his podcast The Bugle with Andy Zaltman calls itself an ‘audio newspaper for a visual world’ and leaves ‘no political hot potato unbuttered.’
If you enjoyed John Oliver’s contributing or hosting work on The Daily Show, or if you’re a fan of his new, more provocative show on HBO, check out The Bugle and make reading tomorrow’s paper just a little less painful.
Use Replay Radio to capture The Bugle from its website or iTunes.

Star Talk Radio
And now for show that’s not so much a humor podcast as a humorous podcast, starring perhaps America’s most unlikely folk comedic celebrity, the oft-cited and well-known Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Tyson is an expert at making big, scientific notions and questions accessible, with smart, healthy doses of pop culture references and humor.
Use Replay Radio to capture Star Talk Radio from SoundCloud.