Posts Tagged: download

The Easiest Way to Record Video From

download and save online courses download and save online courses

It’s pretty amazing that we live in a time where there’s so much direct expert knowledge available online in digestible video format. There are a ton of great online course platforms that make learning just about anything super easy! (now known as LinkedIn Learning) is one of these super popular resources that can help anyone learn just about anything online. Whether you are looking for classes on business, software, or anything creative or tech-related, there is a class in‘s extensive online library for any professional.  If you are looking to move ahead in your career, or just learn a few new practical skills, Replay Media Catcher can help you download and save video from to get you started!

Why is Online Learning so Valuable?

Learning online gives you the freedom to learn an unlimited number of subjects in your own time, and often for much less! Added to that, online learning gives you the freedom to learn about exactly what you need. That means, taking a general survey course if you are thinking about dipping your toe into a new industry, or deeper learning, if you are thinking about becoming a pro in any career, or developing a specialization. The best news is that, since has so many learning paths to choose from, all taught by so many career experts, you can become an expert in no time!

But what are the potential downfalls of online-only access? These courses aren’t available forever. Which is why having a tool to download and save video from is the perfect solution! With Replay Media Catcher, you can record your favorite online classes, and re-watch them later anytime you need a refresher!

How to Record Video From

So how should you record video from Beyond making it incredibly easy to record your classes and re-watch later if you need more time to learn or practice, it comes with other benefits as well. Through it’s possible to download videos, but only through their mobile app. Great for learning on the go, but if you need more time to watch or if you want to watch when you are not connected to WiFi, you might need another resource.

With Applian tools, you can actually download any of their classes, without using any additional apps, and without needing to be connected to WiFi to watch later.

Ready to download and save videos from Here’s how:

Step 1:

Open Replay Media Catcher for Windows or Mac.

Step 2:

Switch on Auto Monitoring.

Step 3:

Open your browser and log in to your account at Now just find the video that you want to save and begin to play it. Replay Media Catcher will download it in just seconds!

Replay Media Catcher

With Replay Media Catcher, you can take advantage of learning next to anything online, and you’ll have everything you need to record and save video from Lynda.comTake a look at the User Guide for Windows or Mac for more information, or feel free to reach out to our support team for tips and tricks.

NEW RELEASE: Replay Media Catcher 6

Capture More Media Than Ever Before!

Our new Version 6 is better than ever, and you’ll have the most advanced video and audio downloading program on the planet. Here’s what you get with this HUGE upgrade:

  • New DVR Recording Option: Capture encrypted video – legally! Pick from popular web sites, and recordings take place real-time in the background. Powerful and convenient.
  • New Media Guides with Direct Downloads: Enter the name of a movie or TV show, and Replay Media Catcher will scour the web to find you a download file – removing most annoying pop-up ads.
  • New Drag-and-drop Downloading: Simply drag a website URL from your browser onto Replay Media Catcher 6 to start downloading. Also works with copy & paste for fast queuing.
  • Records More Video Formats: Replay Media Catcher is still the best way to download videos using all the latest protocols.
  • Enhanced Converter: Any video or audio downloaded or captured by Replay Media Catcher 6 can be converted to many different formats.
  • Improved Ad Blocking: Videos from our continuously updated list of ad sites are no longer captured.
  • And more! Easier-than-ever interface, and lots of other minor improvements.
Get It Here!

World Cup Giveaway: Conclusion

Thanks for playing

Well, here it is. The end. While the World Cup ended on Sunday, and Germany inevitably won the prestigious solid gold trophy, we posed our final question, and Peter put it succinctly in-line with his favorite team:

 If you won the World Cup where would you put the trophy? A Window in the Red Light District (I’m a fan of the Dutch).”

So congratulations to our final winner! We had so much fun reading your answers to these questions and happily giving away Replay Capture Suites and official FIFA jerseys. Don’t wait another four years, come back soon to read all of the fun news, informative tutorials, and other contests we have throughout the year. Oh, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter too if you’ve got something to say. We’d love to hear it.

World Cup Giveaway: Week 4

Enter to Win

While we’re all still recovering from the Team USA loss, there’s still quite a bit of exciting matches to come! We checked out our entires from last week’s contest and there were some innnnteresting entries. With that being said, we laughed out loud to Mr. Richard T:

If you got a yellow card, what would it be for? Not speaking to my girlfriend through the duration of the World Cup.

We’re pretty sure that would get you a RED card, Richard! Maybe he should give his free Replay Capture Suite AND jersey to her.

Want one yourself? Take a stab at this week’s question to win our Suite of products as well as an official FIFA World Cup jersey.

Question This Week:

Who has been your favorite player thus far and why?

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    Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!

    YouTube MP3 Fridays

    For the last couple of Fridays, YouTube has changed how they are delivering videos, which has broken our downloading software (as well as all of our competitors). In particular, the Vevo branded music videos seem to be the ones that get the new technology first. Nevertheless, we are on top of it, and have managed to get new releases ready within a day or two of the changes. The bad news is that our engineering team is starting to loathe the end of the week.

    The latest format is called MPEG-DASH — according to our alpha geek. We are having to do a little extra work to turn this format into a playable file, but the end result is as good as ever.

    If you’re an avid YouTube downloader, you might consider trying Replay Video Capture for Video, and Replay Music for Music if you don’t want any downtime. Both of these products take an “analog” approach to recording, and will record video and music in high quality no matter what YouTube does behind the scenes.

    Replay Media Catcher is still the fastest way to download from most video and music sites, and it makes a perfect digital copy of the original file. So no matter what changes happen in the future, we’ve got you covered!

    How Replay Music Helped to Make the Perfect Housewarming Gift

    Kelly lives in San Francisco. When her friends invited her to a housewarming party at their new apartment near Chinatown, Kelly was at a loss for what to bring as a gift. When she heard that their new apartment had a wok built right into the kitchen counter and she got an idea.


    Kelly pulled out her PC and fired up Replay Music and started searching the internet for songs with the word “walk” in the title.

    Kelly put together a playlist of songs from the 50’s to now. There were Country songs, Jazz songs, Folks songs, old Rock-n-Roll songs, instrumentals and vocals. A little something for everyone. Kelly created a playlist with over two hours of “walk” music and used Replay Music to burn the playlist to CD. When it came time for the housewarming party Kelly gave her hosts the CD with instructions to play the songs whenever they cooked with their wok. Her friends loved it!


    Kelly heard later that her friends listen to the CD while using their wok and it always makes them smile. They love telling other friends about her clever idea.

    Thanks for your story Kelly – we are so glad that Replay Music came in handy – and brought some happiness to you and your friends.

    We love hearing stories like these. If you have a story about the way you like to use our products please send them to us at: [email protected]

    Comcast will Double my Speed – after I Visit The Comcast Store

    Calling Comcast about my internet service is always an adventure, but today was especially interesting. I was getting less than my promised 20 Mbps download speed, even after upgrading to a DOCSIS 3 model like they told me to three weeks ago, and so I gave them a call. The really polite gentleman on the phone had me read the MAC address and serial number of the modem to him, and then told me that Comcast speeds would be doubling in a week or so. Good news, right?

    Next, he told me I had to go visit the nearest Comcast store, and give them the same information I had just given him about my modem. I asked why, but never got an answer. When I finally persisted, explaining that the nearest store was all the way across the city, he told me he could just use the information I had given him over the phone, and that I didn’t really need to visit the store after all. WTF?

    I’m sure this is a ploy by Corporate to get more people to the stores so that they can be talked into upgrading to some new DVR or service, but was it really necessary – or even a good idea? Had I not kept asking why I had to do this, I might have spent half a day just to become victim to a sales effort. Not cool.

    Anyone else have this experience? Let us know in the comments.

    Five Great Sites for Streaming Music

    Every other month or so I put together a list of sites that are great for streaming audio or video and publish the list in our newsletter. Here are five sites that were featured in the March newsletter:

    I like having 1.FM on while I am at work. I am a total fan of the 70’s pop station. The songs crack me up.


    Band of the Day is an adventure – you never know what kind of music you’re going to hear. And if you miss a day – no big deal – they recap the bands they’ve chosen from earlier days at the bottom of the home page.

    Band of the Day

    I confess I haven’t set up my own station with earbits – instead I like the editors’ picks – always a good listen.


    8 tracks is my absolute favorite for discovering new music and new bands!

    8 Tracks

    Thanks to Mixcloud I now have a few DJ favorites that I like to listen to and follow. Always great for livening up my afternoon at work.


    And of course all these sites work fabulously with Replay Music. 🙂
    What are some of your favorite sites for discovering new music?

    Explain Like I’m Five: Video Series – Download them all with Replay Media Catcher

    I just discovered Reddit’s Explain Like I’m Five Video Series (okay so I am a little behind in my reading ) – You can see an example of one here.

    It’s a fabulous series for two reasons – 1.) It brings to video their already popular text series ELI5 – and who wouldn’t rather watch a video than read a web page? 2.) It takes the concept literally – and actually tries to explain complex concepts to five year olds. Their reactions are great.

    Of course I used Replay Media Catcher to download my favorites – put them on my phone – and showed to anyone who seemed mildly interested. 🙂

    Downloading Media and Copyright Trolls

    People are getting their media fix in a variety of ways these days. Some use our software to record or download for their personal use, others go to clearly illegal download sites, and some use BitTorrent. While downloading is the most convenient and fastest way to capture video or audio, it does have some inherent risks. And some unscrupulous people will try to take advantage.

    Take the case of Prenda Law, documented by blogger Popehat and others here. (Read the link backwards for a good history.) In a nutshell, a few lawyers allegedly bought the rights to worthless adult movies, had them posted on BitTorrent, and then watched as other people used Torrent software to download them. They captured the IPs of the downloaders, and then subpoenaed the internet providers to get the name of the customers. Then they filed copyright actions against these alleged downloaders, in the hopes that they would settle rather than going to court to defend themselves from downloading porn. A pretty clever scheme.

    This is starting to fall apart, as many bloggers and opposing lawyers claim the very same lawyers who were doing the suing also formed the company to buy the copyrights, and tried to hide this fact from the courts. Oh – and these guys apparently did some identify theft to make a CEO for these holding companies. One federal judge is particularly not amused, and has ordered all the parties to appear in his courtroom April 2. A lot of people are following this, as it’s pretty unusual for a judge to take these steps.

    Nevertheless, I understand from reading articles about this that many people caught downloading have decided to pay up to $3000 instead of fighting this in court, which is the preferred outcome to begin with for these (alleged) schemers.

    The moral – when you download something from a file download or torrent site, your IP address is available, and anyone motivated enough can find out who you are. Using products like ours – where the server logs look like normal use – is one way to protect yourself.