While we’re all still recovering from the Team USA loss, there’s still quite a bit of exciting matches to come! We checked out our entires from last week’s contest and there were some innnnteresting entries. With that being said, we laughed out loud to Mr. Richard T:
If you got a yellow card, what would it be for? Not speaking to my girlfriend through the duration of the World Cup.
We’re pretty sure that would get you a RED card, Richard! Maybe he should give his free Replay Capture Suite AND jersey to her.
Want one yourself? Take a stab at this week’s question to win our Suite of products as well as an official FIFA World Cup jersey.
Question This Week:
Who has been your favorite player thus far and why?
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Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!