How Replay Music, Our Audio Recorder for Music, helped me Discover a New Band

Recently I saw a fun commercial about the NFL draft (don’t ask me why I was watching a commercial on the NFL draft – my husband must have left ESPN on). It was this Deion Sanders Super Bowl Commercial.

I love the song they used!

Leon Sandcastle Commercial

I immediately wanted to hear more of the song they used in the commercial. A little bit of digging and I found the song, “This Head I Hold” by Electric Guest. Once I knew the song title, I opened Replay Music and went to Grooveshark and captured the song and other songs from Electric Guest. I also used Replay Music to get the song on my phone and I have been listening to it ever since. I am now an Electric Guest fan. And being the good fan that I am I also went to iTunes and supported the band by buying the song. All this thanks to Replay Music.

What bands have you discovered recently?

Installing Replay Media Catcher on Windows 8

Replay Media Catcher in Windows 8

YouTube video: Downloading, Installing and Using Replay Media Catcher in Windows 8I just created a short video showing how to install and use Replay Media Catcher on Windows 8.

As long as you are in desktop mode in Windows 8, your experience using Replay Media Catcher will be no different than in earlier versions of Windows. Watch the video and see.

There is one slightly new thing that may occur during your download of Replay Media Catcher – you may be asked to install .NET Framework. Windows offered to help me find the program – and then did find it and install it on my PC. Once it was installed, I saw this screen and Replay Media Catcher finished downloading.

.Net Framwork Dialogue Window

Have you tried Replay Media Catcher with Windows 8 yet? How’d it go?

Recording the 55th Annual Grammy Awards – A Reminder to Get it While You Can.

The 55th Annual Grammy Awards

As most of you know last Sunday, February 10th, was the 55th Annual Grammy Awards. And conveniently for many it streamed live online on a variety of sites:
just to name a few.

And as many of you also know, Replay Video Capture, our professional quality screen capture program, can capture live streams beautifully. It would have been the perfect program to use to capture the 55th Annual Grammy Awards particularly since Replay Video Capture has a scheduler. It’s easy to set up Replay Video Capture to record a live stream at a particular time.

But I didn’t do that.

Monday I went online to find a site that was re-broadcasting the Grammy’s. I thought for sure would be. But no.

No one is.

The Grammy’s aren’t online anywhere that I can see. I even wrote the Grammy’s to find out where I could get a copy of the broadcast. I still haven’t heard back.

The moral of this little tale – capture what you can when you can because tomorrow it just might not be there.


Download Video from the BBC iPlayer with Replay Media Catcher

BBC iPlayer Logo

BBC iPlayer

Last week we were at a trade show demonstrating our software and were so surprised at how many people didn’t realize that Replay Media Catcher can download video from the BBC iPlayer. When we showcased Replay Media Catcher in action people were really amazed.

I made a short little video showing how Replay Media Catcher works with the iPlayer – you can see it here.

There is such wonderful content available through the iPlayer. Downloading the shows and watching them on my iPad – when I am offline – has been great. Replay Media Catcher makes that so easy. Especially with its built in converter.

Are there other sites that you are interested in downloading? Remember we have a great tool on our homepage that will show you which products will work with each site. Have you tried our tool recently?

Why not give it a whirl.


Download USTREAM Video with Replay Media Catcher

Today was a big day for streaming media. There was so much to watch and enjoy streaming live online. Just before President Obama was sworn in I found myself in a place without cable TV – but no worries I had my laptop.


And thanks to Replay Media Catcher I had the ability to download uStream video of the inauguration.

It was easy. You can use Replay Media Catcher to download USTREAM Video the same way you would download video from any other site – just open Replay Media Catcher, click on “start monitoring” and then go to uSTREAM and start playing the video you want to capture. Replay Media Catcher will start downloading the stream as soon as it starts playing. You can watch your progress right in the Replay Media Catcher user interface.

When capturing the live streams on USTREAM you need to remember to stop Replay Media Catcher when you have downloaded the portion of the video you want, as live streams don’t have an ending the same way a recorded show does. Once I had downloaded the part of the Inaugural I was looking for I just right clicked on the recorded file in the Replay Media Catcher user interface and clicked on “cancel”. The recording stopped and I was able to play it back beautifully with my FLV player.

Hope you had a great day! Happy Monday, Happy Martin Luther King Day, Happy Inauguration and Happy Downloading.

5 Video Download Sites to use with Replay Media Catcher

As promised here is a sampling of 5 video sites that we recommended during 2012. And of course Replay Media Catcher works beautifully with all of these sites.

We’d love to hear from you.
What are some of your favorite video downloading sites?

5 Audio Sites that are great to use with Replay Music

During 2012 we put together several lists of some of our favorite sites for streaming audio and video. We sent these lists out to our newsletter subscribers – are you a subscriber yet? You can sign up really easily here.

Here is a sampling of 5 audio sites that we recommended during 2012. And of course Replay Music works beautifully with all of these sites.

Please note – Deezer is not yet available in the US.

We’d love to hear from you.
What are some of your favorite streaming audio sites?

Coming next a sampling of some of our favorite video sites. 🙂

Convert YouTube Videos to iPod, iPad, DVD, etc. – now just $9.95

After reading a lot of commentary, and doing some testing, we’ve decided to lower the price of Replay Converter to just $9.95 last week. A lot of people are downloading videos to copy to other devices or DVD’s, or to prepare them to make mashups, and Replay Converter does a great job at this.

We decided that as a company it’s best to encourage more people to use our products, even if it means making a little less money. So if you’re looking for an easy to convert FLV files, or other things downloaded from the web, give Replay Converter a try.

Thank You to our Customers

A big thank you to our customers! Recently we sent out two sets of emails asking some of you to answer a few marketing and product development questions. The responses we received were amazing! We were incredibly surprised and pleased by the number of you who took the time to answer our questions; thoughtfully and carefully. We are so lucky to have such a wonderfully supportive and smart customer base.

You may not realize how small a company Applian is. While it’s true that we sell our software worldwide there are only a handful of us who develop, support and market Applian products. The answers we receive from you are incredibly valuable to us both in understanding how to position our current products but also in guiding us in developing future recording software. It means a lot that you have provided so many smart insights and ideas. Thank you.

We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you! And please feel free to keep sharing. We are always happy to hear new and unusual product usage stories or to hear your suggestions for future products and features.


All the best,

Bill & all the folks at Applian