Best Media Sites: LOL Edition

So you know about YouTube and Netflix. But what about those undiscovered gems around the Internet just ripe for the downloading? Check out these Replay Media Catcher compatible sites. Note that not all sites are viewable in all countries.

This month, we wanted to feature the sites that tickle our funny bone, make us spit take, and get us smiling from ear to ear. Here are five fantastic sites that you are definitely going to want to download video from, and keep forever… because laughter is contagious and continual.


The celebrity-endorsed platform for hilarious series and one-offs, where you can catch the very watch worthy “Drunk History” and “Between Two Ferns With Zack Galifinakis” along with a ton of other giggle-making sketches.


More centered on Internet memes and pop culture, Cracked offers some humorous takes on everything from Doctor Who to Kanye West. Also, check out the “Artist In Residency Program” where they feature a filmmaker hand-picked for your viewing pleasure.


The OG funny video site still has quite a bit of life – and not as many cat memes. With a new Video section in Beta, they are experimenting with a whole channel devoted to Cheez-approved YouTube content. Don’t worry; there are still cat videos.


This site is full of hilarious distractions. Everything from GIFs, to listicles, to random factoids, you can loose yourself for hours on The Chive. If you’re looking to capture some funny, watch and record their trending videos for a clue as to what will be popping up in your Facebook feed next.


Another classic funny video site, College Humor has been serving up the chuckles for 15 years, and boasts an impressive collection of original series and sketches. Our personal favorite is “Phantom of the Office” – we’d hire him just to keep us laughing.

As always, be sure to use only the best to download your favorite videos and media using Replay Media Catcher. If you’ve got a favorite video outlet on the web, be sure to give us the low-down in the comments or on our Facebook Page.

Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction- Vol 7

Dr. Wilson back here.  Well, I wasn’t actually gone.  Deb REALLY wanted to do a post on balloons, so while I was out training, she snuck in that last entry.  “Training?” you ask.  Last Sunday I competed in my second 1/2 Ironman distance triathlon – Steelhead 70.3. Translated, I swam 1.2 miles in Lake Michigan, bicycled 56 miles, and then ran a half marathon (13.1 miles).  If you think that is crazy, Shellie has done a few full Ironman races.  I might be that crazy in 2015.  Between work and family, we manage to squeeze in a lot of miles of training.

This week’s video is a bit of a classic, turning around the patterned: “Sh*t” + athletic activity + “say”.

Best Media Sites: Nerd Herd Edition

Best Media Sites: Nerd Herd Edition

So you know about YouTube and Netflix. But what about those undiscovered gems around the Internet just ripe for the downloading and recording? Check out these Applian-compatible sites to use on your Suite of products. Note that not all sites are compatible in all countries.

This month, we wanted to feature the sites that tickle our brain, make us think, and get us inspired in the most instructional ways. Here are six fantastic sites that you are definitely going to want to record, download, and keep forever… because learning is contagious and continual.

Archaeology Channel:

Archeology ChannelThis has to be Indiana Jones’ most-visited webpage – well, maybe next to Google Maps. Here, you can explore human culture from Ancient Greek myths to isolated tribes in Southeast Asia.


Documentary Storm:

Documentary StormGet some of the freshest and compelling documentaries here. For those with an elevated taste in cinema, these informative pieces run the gamut and beat out anything you might find on Netflix Streaming.


Documentary Net:

Documentary.netSimilarly enlightening, this network of docs does a great job of sorting by length, geographical location, and rating. Use your recording software to keep your own archive of priceless nonfictional cinema.


John Locker:

John LockerProviding a bit more obscure documentaries and educational pieces, this site has a huge variety of professionally produced and independent shorts (and films) that you can dig deep into.


TED Talks:

Ted TalksThe online source for the global lecture series, the site has all of the talks in-full in all of their motivational glory. Certainly living up to its motto: ideas worth spreading.



PBSThe granddaddy of televised education; Public Broadcasting Service has provided generations of media content. From your first Sesame Street song to the compelling Antiques Roadshow, PBS still has awesome editorial features and political commentary.


As always, be sure to use only the best to capture your favorite videos and media using Replay Capture Suite. If you’ve got a favorite video outlet on the web, be sure to give us the low-down in the comments or on our Facebook Page.

Quick Summer Sale $10 OFF Replay Media Catcher

$10 OFF Replay Media Catcher use Coupon Code RMCBLOG sale ends Friday Aug 8

It’s the middle of summer. Sounds like a great time for a quick summer sale. But don’t delay! Just like summer, this sale will be gone in a flash. For the next 48 hours you can take $10 off our best stream recorder.  Replay Media Catcher is the #1 tool for downloading online video and audio.

Use this coupon code at checkout: RMCBLOG

Hurry! Sale ends August 8, 2014

Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction- Vol 6

Dr. Wilson's Possibly humorous Distraction

Debbie here. Dr. Wilson is taking a little break from distractions this week. So, I’m happy to step in and post one of my favorite finds. As a hot air balloon owner, crew-chief and pilot-in-training, I watch a lot of ballooning related videos. But, I’ve never seen anything like this before. Riding IN a hot air balloon is an incredible experience. Now imagine riding ON TOP of a hot air balloon. Yes…you read that right. Check this out:

World Cup Giveaway: Conclusion

Thanks for playing

Well, here it is. The end. While the World Cup ended on Sunday, and Germany inevitably won the prestigious solid gold trophy, we posed our final question, and Peter put it succinctly in-line with his favorite team:

 If you won the World Cup where would you put the trophy? A Window in the Red Light District (I’m a fan of the Dutch).”

So congratulations to our final winner! We had so much fun reading your answers to these questions and happily giving away Replay Capture Suites and official FIFA jerseys. Don’t wait another four years, come back soon to read all of the fun news, informative tutorials, and other contests we have throughout the year. Oh, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter too if you’ve got something to say. We’d love to hear it.

Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction – Vol. 5

Dr. Wilson's Possibly humorous Distraction

Weird Al Yankovic is the king of parody. His newly released, grammatically correct version of “Blurred Lines” called “Word Crimes” has racked up over 2 million YouTube views since yesterday! If your…I mean you’re a grammar snob, you’ll be sharing this video everywhere. It’s just two t0 too  perfect.

World Cup Giveaway: FINAL WEEK

Enter to win

Well, it’s the final week of our awesome World Cup contest. This weekend, it comes down to Germany or Argentina for the distinction of winner, and although it will be another four years before the next round of matches, we’re still riding out this fun giveaway. For our winner last week, we think it’s a pretty clear reason to love a soccer player:

Who has your favorite player been and why? Hulk because his name is Hulk.”

So congrats Ben R! We will be sending you the Replay Capture Suite AND your (Hulk?) jersey.

For the final installment in our World Cup giveaway, and your last chance to win the Suite AND your own FIFA World Cup jersey, we wanted to end on a high note and ask this question (because you’re all winners in our eyes):

Final World Cup Contest Question:

If you won the World Cup where would you put the trophy?

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    Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!

    World Cup Giveaway: Week 4

    Enter to Win

    While we’re all still recovering from the Team USA loss, there’s still quite a bit of exciting matches to come! We checked out our entires from last week’s contest and there were some innnnteresting entries. With that being said, we laughed out loud to Mr. Richard T:

    If you got a yellow card, what would it be for? Not speaking to my girlfriend through the duration of the World Cup.

    We’re pretty sure that would get you a RED card, Richard! Maybe he should give his free Replay Capture Suite AND jersey to her.

    Want one yourself? Take a stab at this week’s question to win our Suite of products as well as an official FIFA World Cup jersey.

    Question This Week:

    Who has been your favorite player thus far and why?

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      Note: By entering this contest you’ll be signed up to receive the Applian Technologies monthly-ish newsletter. You must confirm your subscription in order to be entered to win. Don’t worry…you can unsubscribe at any time. Please look for a confirmation email from us!

      Red, White & Blue: Here’s a Discount For You!

      July 4th Discount

      We absolutely love the 4th of July! Nothing says “freedom” and “proud to be an American” quite like community parades, family BBQs, and  beautifully loud fireworks – and capturing any video and audio your heart desires, of course! As we celebrate Independence Day this weekend, all of us here at Applian would like to enjoy the holiday by giving you a special discount on our full offering of products in the Replay Capture Suite!

      Starting Thursday, July 3rd until Friday, July 11th, you can get $17.76 OFF the Replay Capture Suite – just click below and enjoy your newfound recording liberty!