YouTube April 20 Changes

There is a lot of discussion about the changes YouTube is planning on April 20, 2015, and how it may or may not affect various YouTube downloading solutions.  Besides the YouTube engineers, nobody knows for sure what effect this will have. Officially, they will be discontinuing some older APIs, but that’s all we know.

From Applian’s standpoint, we will always be able to download videos from ANY site — no matter what changes come about. There may be a few days where we scramble to come up with a downloader fix to Replay Media Catcher, but programs like Replay Video Capture will always be able to record video – no matter what.

April should be an interesting month!

Netflix Conflix: Goodbye, February

As the seasons change, so do the Netflix streaming options. And like the months before, March is blooming up fast. So dig into that queue and put these soon-to-be-removed movies on the list. Simply set up a time to record with your Replay Video Capture and have all of the streaming control you’d like with these gems well past February. Here are our favorites to say bye-bye from Netflix and hello with Applian recording software:


Brokedown Palace

A harrowing travel story about two young friends who find themselves wrongfully imprisoned in a Thai prison for smuggling drugs into Hong Kong. A very young Kate Beckinsale and Claire Danes play the main characters, with Bill Pullman as their American lawyer to free them from 33 years of imprisonment. An interesting film about justice and the bonds of friendship, it’s definitely worth seeing if you’ve never before.


Lords of Dogtown

Based on the true story of the beginnings of skateboarding in grimy Venice, California circa 1970’s; this fictionalization of the z-boys and the Zephyr skate team is the perfect time-machine to a seedy but exciting place in the sports’ legacy. Supreme acting performances by Heath Ledger and Emile Hirsch, and directed by Catherine Hardwicke, it’s an entertaining ride with an awesome soundtrack.

Swiss Family Robinson

One of the classic Disney family films that ages well. About a family left stranded on a wild island, they fend for themselves. It features imaginative treehouses, frightening pirates, and a parade of exotic animals. The cinematography doesn’t disappoint some fifty years later and the scenic backdrop almost makes you wish you too were stranded there, perfectly nostalgic.


The Graduate

“Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me? Aren’t you?” Relive the awkwardness of Dustin Hoffman’s breakout role as Benjamin Braddock, the bewildered college student lured in by his girlfriend’s mother, played by the beautiful Anne Bancroft. It’s worth having in the library as a perfect time capsule.


Legends of the Fall

Okay, so technically this isn’t leaving Netflix until the very end of March, but it’s too good to not want to keep in your archives. Brad Pitt is more than a pretty face as the tough and brooding Tristan Ludow, alongside the brilliant Antony Hopkins as his father, and Aiden Quinn and Henry Thomas as the other Ludow brothers. Set in the rural America of the 1900s, this is a passionate movie about family, loss, war, and ultimately love.

Catching the Academy Awards with Applian

This Sunday marks the 87th Academy Awards show, and like most grand live events nowadays, it will be streaming online for your viewing pleasure. Provided by, you can catch all of the movie stars in their brightest moment. Everything from backstage to red carpet chaos, to the entire show itself, you can view on your computer screen. Which also means you will be able to capture it with the all new Replay Media Catcher 6. Sit, back, relax, record the evening and watch it at your leisure.

Don’t forget — if you’ve missed out on any of the nominated films, be sure to check out our newly expanded Media Guides in Replay Media Catcher 6, which will go ahead and scan the Web for the movie of your choosing. Not to mention the Media Guides now feature super-easy direct downloads so you can get the media file without any of those annoying pop-up ads.

Get It Here!

NEW RELEASE: Replay Media Catcher 6

Capture More Media Than Ever Before!

Our new Version 6 is better than ever, and you’ll have the most advanced video and audio downloading program on the planet. Here’s what you get with this HUGE upgrade:

  • New DVR Recording Option: Capture encrypted video – legally! Pick from popular web sites, and recordings take place real-time in the background. Powerful and convenient.
  • New Media Guides with Direct Downloads: Enter the name of a movie or TV show, and Replay Media Catcher will scour the web to find you a download file – removing most annoying pop-up ads.
  • New Drag-and-drop Downloading: Simply drag a website URL from your browser onto Replay Media Catcher 6 to start downloading. Also works with copy & paste for fast queuing.
  • Records More Video Formats: Replay Media Catcher is still the best way to download videos using all the latest protocols.
  • Enhanced Converter: Any video or audio downloaded or captured by Replay Media Catcher 6 can be converted to many different formats.
  • Improved Ad Blocking: Videos from our continuously updated list of ad sites are no longer captured.
  • And more! Easier-than-ever interface, and lots of other minor improvements.
Get It Here!

Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction – Vol 10


In the immortal words of Jon Bon Jovi, “Shot through the heart, and cupid is to blame”, or something like that, right? It is that time of year again when the holiday cards and candy bags turn various shades of light red. So sit back, unwrap a few (red foil covered) Hershey’s Kisses ™, and watch an innocent Valentines Day prank in this month’s PhD post.

Best 2015 GRAMMY Songs To Record with Replay Music


Last night was the music industry’s opportunity to show off it’s best acts. The show itself featured a number of awesome performances, but if you missed any of the top tracks on the list of winners, we’ve rounded up our favorites for your listening pleasure and the opportunity to use Replay Music to record and capture the sound of the 2015 Grammy Awards!

Paramore — Best Rock Song “Ain’t It Fun”

Ridiculously catchy and hard to hate, this track from Paramore has everything you want in straight-forward pop rock. No fuss, only fun.

Kendrick Lamar — Best Rap Song / Performance “i”

One of the most positive hip-hop songs to hit the air waves this year. Kendrick is known for his poignancy and his third studio album is one of the most anticipated in 2015. Keep your ears open!

St. Vincent — Best Alternative Music Record “Strange Mercy”

Indie goddess, St Vincent (Annie Clark) walked away with an award for her haunting record and lurching sound on “Strange Mercy”. Here’s one of our favorite tracks from the album, “Cruel”:

Pentonix — Best Instrumental Arrangement “Daft Punk”

The a capella group, Pentonix, goes into audio soundscapes of the last year, sampling seven different Daft Punk songs. Using a mixture of insane vocal and beatboxing talent, this hardworking crew deserve the nod.

“Twenty Feet From Stardom” — Best Music Film

This is a featured performance from one of the stars of this amazing documentary (which you can stream here on Netflix and record with Replay Video Capture 7). Showcasing the talent of background singers throughout history, this is a must-watch movie and must-listen soundtrack.

Tell us your favorite moments of the show and music from the past year over on Facebook or Twitter. We’d love to hear what you’re listening too! Don’t forget to use Replay Music to get all of the best tracks of 2015.

Try Replay Music for FREE Today

Know Your Recording Rights (and Your Super Bowl Commercials)


Whew. What a game last Sunday! We could barely pull ourselves from our screen — especially in those last ten minutes. As we marveled in the replays and even went back to replay the streaming feed on NBC, thanks to our Replay Video Capture software, we realized that some customers and those non-Applian laymen might think that our insistence of recording this NFL game might be (*gasp) illegal. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s not. But the NFL does a fantastic job at making you think so. An intelligent Ars Technica article that came out last week does a great job explaining why it’s not. Here’s a sample:

The NFL is also drastically overstating its case when it comes to actual copies of the game or pictures coming from it. You can record the Super Bowl. It’s been undeniably, unquestionably legal since 1984 that you can record the broadcast to watch later (and skip commercials, if you’re so inclined). And the fair use doctrine that allows you to do this also lets you use those recordings for other purposes, too. If you want to use clips for commentary or criticism or news reporting of some aspect of the game or the broadcast, that’s perfectly legal, too.

So don’t fear, Applian friends. Go ahead and get your Super Bowl re-watch on. Oh, and if you missed all of the advertising action because of the NBC stream, we highly recommend that you check out this full recap of the multi-million-dollar spots.

Our personal favorite, and slightly underrated, was the pitch-perfect Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Handler commercial from T-Mobile. We hope it’s an ongoing theme, because we love seeing comedians do what they do best — make fun of themselves and each other:

GET OUT OF THE BOX: Why You Should Cut Your Cable Today


Much has been said of the Golden Age of television today, and now, more than ever, more is being done to take the TV out of the box and onto your more savvy technological devices. We’ve been in this industry for a long time and there has never been a better time to unplug from TV subscriptions and go in for online media subscriptions and computer software (like us!). Here’s why:


It’s not difficult to notice your cable package getting more and more expensive every year. Analysts have discovered that the price of TV subscriptions have increased 32% over the last five years. At this rate, it’s already increasing faster than inflation. So, even if you’re in that steady job, you’ll need a raise every time you renew your platform to watch Judge Judy. Not to mention the Net Neutrality debacle to strangle the open playing field for Internet speed (we recommend watching this funny and honest segment by John Oliver for context) Basically, media companies are realizing that the new age of online content is happening like a tsunami and they want to tie you to the weight that is a cable package.



There are so many great services online to find original content, television shows, and full-length movies. And, much of it involves very little heavy lifting on your end. Not only do you get to create your own “playlists” or queues of content to watch, but also you no longer get the incessant noise of near constant commercials. Here are some of our quick tips on the different sources for your “new cable”:

  • HBOGo: It’s not TV, indeed. HBO announced they are working on a subscription-only plan that doesn’t even need a cable provider, but for now, you can still access archives of award-winning television and monthly new episodes and movies online.
  • Netflix: Everyone’s favorite new media platform, Netflix has been breaking the mold with their original content and providing endless hours of syndicated TV and hundreds of great movies streaming. Additionally, they refresh their stock monthly.
  • Amazon Prime: Making news with their Golden Globe-winning “Transparent”, Amazon has been making waves in original content as well with their Instant Video subscription. Not to mention, they have a different hold on networks and studios, so they offer different options than Netflix has, and can’t get.
  • Google Chromecast: This is a pay-as-you-go service and TV plug-in device, similar to On Demand Movies (or Xbox, Apple TV, etc), wherein you pay for films you’d like to see. Many of them are recently released to theaters or just out to the public. There is also a ton of content if you synch your HULU Plus account and “cast” from there. Pretty much any computer screen can be “casted” to your television, so it makes YouTube a whole new world of entertainment.

This is just a sampling and a generalized description of the options that are open to the cord-cutters out there. Sure, some research is involved, but getting an extra $50 to $150 back in your wallet every month is definitely worth it.



But what about live TV? With services like Pluto TV providing options for news and music channels, and more and more major networks making their primetime events streaming, for example the Super Bowl will be online for free for eleven hours (including pre and post-game coverage); it’s only fitting that the future is adapting to a whole audience of chord-cutters. In fact, geography doesn’t even matter if you integrate a VPN service to allow you to tiptoe over international restrictions to access sites like BBC.

Sure, there are now more places to find great content, but what’s the next step in storing and re-watching the media you love? Thankfully products like Replay Video Capture and our Replay Capture Suite can take all of the shows and movies you love, and keep them for “re-runs” whenever you’d like. You can also record and capture one-time streaming events or programs while you’re not around or at your computer.


With all of these options out there, it only makes sense to make the leap into this brave new cordless world. And, we’ll be here to guide you confidently through it!

Enjoy the Super Bowl with Replay Video Capture 7


What a season of football! And it’s all about to end in a week with the Super Bowl. Specifically, a game between the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks. If you’re like us then you aren’t just watching it for the end score, but also for the halftime show, the expensive commercials, and the pre-game commentary. Now, you don’t even need to watch it from the ugly jumbo TV in that noisy pub you hate, you can actually stream it LIVE on your PC through NBC. Which also means that you can record all of the spontaneous action and hilarity with your copy of Replay Video Capture 7.

In fact, one of our favorite parts of watching the NFL is pretending we’re the Bad-Lip Reading folks and coming up with our own witty quips in the mouths of 200+ lb. athletes.  If you record and capture the game on February 1st, you can even make one for yourself! And just in case you missed it, they released the new NFL Bad-Lip Reading 2015, so be sure to check it out below for inspiration. Oh, and don’t forget to grab Replay Video Capture before kickoff on Sunday!

Try it for FREE today!


Dr. Wilson’s Possibly humorous Distraction – Vol 9

We love Lego just as much as we love technology, which is why this hilarious video is this months’ PhD Video! Eddie Izzard, the British rambling funnyman takes on technology as his jokes and ideas are mirrored with Lego pantomimes. Get some laughs today, and check out the video below.

On the topic of Lego, your Applian Doctor himself, Jeff Wilson, had his nudge with fame as his Flickr photoset got published on io9. In his words, “I don’t know about the “subversive” bit, other than I was trying to show that the much maligned Lego Friends series for girls can be a lot of fun if you think outside of the Heartlake City boundaries”.

Lego’s ‘Friends’ dolls are a popular, if problematic, piece of gendered merchandising – but in the hands of creative Lego fans they can become something much cooler. We’ve had Lego Superfriends, and now thanks to Flickr User Jeffrey Wilson we’ve got the Lego Girls donning Mech suits.

Pretty cool, huh? See more here.

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