With all the restrictions in place right now, the COVID-19 pandemic way of life sometimes feels like a strange alternate universe. Luckily the sci-fi genre transports us to weird and wonderful worlds where sometimes things may even feel a little more normal. So, whether you’re streaming a Netflix movie, downloading a video from the website or binge-watching a TV series from Amazon Prime, our list of the best science-fiction TV shows and movies will help you escape reality, even if it’s just for a few hours.
Tired of searching through thousands of titles? Replay Media Capture will capture and store all your YouTube or Netflix downloads in one place so you can easily find them. Plus, you can export the files safely and securely to any Android or IOS device to watch when you’re on the go. Download a copy of Replay Media Capture to start recording a streaming video today or try the free demo to get a taste of this user-friendly software.