Best Sci-Fi Movies and TV Shows to escape reality this month

With all the restrictions in place right now, the COVID-19 pandemic way of life sometimes feels like a strange alternate universe. Luckily the sci-fi genre transports us to weird and wonderful worlds where sometimes things may even feel a little more normal. So, whether you’re streaming a Netflix movie, downloading a video from the website or binge-watching a TV series from Amazon Prime, our list of the best science-fiction TV shows and movies will help you escape reality, even if it’s just for a few hours. 

Tired of searching through thousands of titles? Replay Media Capture will capture and store all your YouTube or Netflix downloads in one place so you can easily find them. Plus, you can export the files safely and securely to any Android or IOS device to watch when you’re on the go. Download a copy of Replay Media Capture to start recording a streaming video today or try the free demo to get a taste of this user-friendly software.


5 Top Netflix Tips for 2021: Supercharge your streaming experience

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With more than 203 million paid monthly subscribers worldwide, it’s safe to say that Netflix is one of the world’s favorite streaming platforms. If you’re one of the many people putting Netflix through its paces thanks to lockdown or a stay at home order, you might be wondering what else your Netflix account can offer.

To help you get more bang for your subscription buck, we’ve compiled a list of 2021’s top five Netflix tips. Let’s get started with roaming the world via content.


How to Easily Capture the Screen on Amazon Prime

So, you’ve just set up your Amazon account and you can’t wait to start downloading and streaming your favorite titles. The good news is that this is easy to do! The not-so-good news is while you’re paying for a subscription to access a wealth of streaming options, you don’t technically own any of them. 

Although a subscription grants you permission to view any content supplied to this site, there is a strict licensing agreement in place to limit screen-capturing activities such as recording the screen’s contents or capturing a screenshot. 

But all is not lost! This article will walk you through everything you need to know about recording and editing videos on highly secure video streaming sites like Amazon Prime. All you need to do is download a copy of Replay Video Capture and you’re all set to get started. 


A beginner’s guide to hosting a Netflix watch party

While we still aren’t spending as much time together and we would like, most group activities can be done virtually these days and watching Netflix is no exception. With Netflix promising to up its offerings to one original film per week, it couldn’t be a better time to synchronize your subscriptions and take your after-show chatter into a chat room.

Don’t want to miss a moment of the action? Replay Video Catcher offers digital convenience and clarity so you can keep a record of your favorite Netflix choices and watch them back together when it’s safer to do so!  Already hankering to download it? Before you do, check our list of the best watch party browser extensions so you can start rolling out the invites to all your friends.


How to Record the Perfect Live Streaming Video

Capturing the screen on your computer is no new thing. If you’re a PC user, you have probably used the snipping tool to take screenshots. An online video recorder works in the same way but records videos directly from a website through your browser. 

However, while this type of software has plenty of amazing features, if you want to improve your chances of recording high-quality video footage, you can’t go wrong with the program  Replay Media Catcher. With pretty much no limits on the file type or size, it will record anything and everything, from a feature-length film to YouTube clips and iTunes files. Here’s how to get started:


What to watch – Our Best Picks Coming Soon to Star

Whether it’s a family movie night or you’re stuck on what to watch for an evening, pass the remote because Star is the new, adult-friendly channel from Disney+. Set to launch in Canada, Europe, and New Zealand later this month, from action-packed thrillers and classic comedies, there is something for everybody.

Don’t want to miss out on your favorite TV shows or movies? You can record streaming video and audio without stress, by downloading our online movie recorder – Replay Video Capture. Available for both windows and mac, it’s never been easier to watch your videos on your desktop screen, laptop, android, or ios devices.

Not sure what to watch first? Here are some of our best picks from a whole library full of content that’ll soon be available for your streaming pleasure.


The Best Apps to Host A Conference Call

Since the pandemic first shook the world, it has impacted our lives dramatically but one of the biggest changes we’ve seen is in the workplace with millions of people retreating from the office to work from home.  While it doesn’t seem like we’ll be returning to the office any time soon, the good news is that as fast as our lives have changed, so has the technology to accommodate us. 

From fully-immersive video conferencing platforms to AI software allowing you to interact with your team and leverage the most capable applications out there for your business, technology has provided us with new solutions. We’ve rounded up some of our favourites. 


The Best Christmas Movies to Remind You of Being a Kid During the Holidays

Nowadays, the holidays can feel like a time of stress rather than a time of festivities − whether from the gift-buying rush, surviving family get-togethers, or paying off those rising bills. But once upon a time, back in those childhood days, it really was the most magical time of the year. Unfortunately, you can’t travel back in time…. But you can hit record and rewind. Here’s our favorite list of movies to watch and record throughout the holiday season.


10 Upcoming & Not to Be Missed Livestreams and Virtual Concerts

For music fans and concert-goers alike, the last several months have been tough. Countless concerts have been cancelled or postponed, and in many parts of the world, it looks like we won’t be able to get our live music fix in-person for a while. Fortunately, many artists are finding alternative ways to share their music with us, the main one being switching their concerts to an online format. 

It’s good news all round for live music fans, as there are still a number of exciting livestreams and virtual concerts lined up before the end of the year. To get your live music fix ASAP, we’ve compiled a list of 10 online shows that you should definitely consider tuning into.


8 Best Thanksgiving Recipes for a Perfect Dinner

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and now is the time to confirm your list of attendees, and most importantly, the evening’s menu. Are you still deciding on sides or desserts? Or, perhaps you’re unsure if the picky eaters will appreciate what you’ve got lined up this year? For any source of uncertainty we’ve rounded up a list of the 8 best Thanksgiving recipes for a perfect dinner — even the picky eaters will be asking for seconds! 

With Replay Media Catcher you can save all of the recipe videos so that you can play them back and follow along as you whip up Thanksgiving dinner in the kitchen. Without further delay, here are the 8 best Thanksgiving recipes for this year’s get together…
